Sunday, 18 January 2015

Computer Language


"In computer science, which provide interface between user & computer that is called language".
 There are two type of language types-
1- Low Level Languages
2- High Level Languages

1- Low level language - Low level languages are those languages which that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set architecture.
Machine Code - there is code which is in binary form 0,1 .

Assembly Language - Which have some mnemonics & some instruction code, like 8085 microprocessor code. there is an assembler & interpreter for convert the code in machine language (0,1). Assembly language is use for specific hardware.


MOV AL, 61h       ; Load AL with immediate value 1
MOV AL, 1h        ; Load AL with immediate value 1
MOV CL, 2h        ; Load CL with immediate value 2
MOV DL, 3h        ; Load DL with immediate value 3 

2- High Level Language - High level programming language have strong abstraction from the details of the computer. In high level language we use English words. High Level programing languages are machine independent. There is a compiler which is convert the code into machine code. There are some high level languages-

1- Logo Basic- used for math calculation & drawing.

2-COBOL- used for business purpose,record of data.

3- Pascal-used for static application & weather forcasting.

4- FORTRAN - Scientific(Physics) application.

5- C Language- C is a high level language. which is a multipurpose language. There is also chip level programming.

6-C++ - C++ it contain all features of C language & also have Object Oriented Programming Concepts.

 After these languages JAVA,PHP,.NET are come in market which have to use internet programming & we can develop web application & other things. 



Dependency is a term of operating system architecture where operating system dependent. Compiler compiles the source code & convert into operating system & machine dependent object code, it means a particular operating system on machine can execute to object code(Machine Code).

Example- Like we have a hello.c file which can not be execute on different operating system directly. we need different compiler for different operating system. like if we want to run that file on windows then we will need Dev C & if we want to execute that file on Linux then we need GC compiler, & other DOS also need Turbo C compiler. So there are language library are same for different operating system but OS library are different according to OS. Means that if we want to write the C program that are same on different OS (no change in code  ) but there is need of different compiler for different operating system.   


  1. good way to explore your talent ...welcome to blogging world...
    your most welcome to my blog..

  2. nice elaboration about high level & low level languages. Thanks
